1. The student checks in the eStudent system to obtaining the number of ECTS points confirming the achievement of learning outcomes provided for in the study program as well as passing all required informative classes.

2. The student uploads to the eStudent system the final version of the diploma thesis agreed with the thesis supervisor and signs in the system a declaration of independent completion of the thesis. The thesis must be uploaded to the system before the final date of submission of the diploma thesis, in accordance with the applicable Study Regulations. The possibility of making corrections and re-uploading and controlling the work using the Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System (JSA) should be taken into account.

3. The work uploaded by the student is automatically transferred to JSA, where it is analyzed. After generating the report from the JSA system, the supervisor is informed about it via e-mail.

4. When analyzing the JSA report, the supervisor makes one of the following decisions:

  • Accepts the thesis when the results of the JSA report analysis do not raise objections, in accordance with Ordinance No. 20 of the Rector of the Poznań University of Technology of April 21, 2020 (RO/IV/20/2020) on the obligation to check written diploma theses using the Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System.
  • Does not accept the thesis when the results of the JSA report analysis require corrections to the thesis. In such a case, the supervisor informs the diploma student of the need to introduce changes, and the diploma student makes appropriate corrections and, after agreeing with the supervisor, returns to point 2. The diploma student has the option of correcting the diploma thesis files up to two times.
  • Does not accept the work when the results of the analysis of the JSA report give reasonable grounds to conclude that the work is plagiarism. Then the promoter sends a notification to the rector in order to initiate explanatory proceedings. If, as a result of the explanatory proceedings, the thesis is found to be plagiarism, the Rector suspends the diploma proceedings, refers the case to the Disciplinary Committee for consideration and notifies the relevant authorities of the crime, in accordance with Regulation No. 20 of the Rector of the Poznań University of Technology of April 21, 2020 (RO /IV/20/2020) on the obligation to check written diploma theses using the Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System.

5. In the case of a diploma thesis covered by a legally protected secret, the promoter is obliged to independently confirm the authenticity of the thesis and decide on its acceptance.

6. The graduate completes the following documents:

  • additional information about achievements during studies to be included in the supplement, in Polish and English. Scans or photocopies of documents confirming the indicated achievements are acceptable,
  • application to the Education Department for a diploma and supplements,
  • an abbreviated marriage certificate or other document in the event that the surname changed during the course of studies,
  • in the case of team works: a printout of a fragment of the work indicating the participation of individual people in its preparation
  • and delivers directly to the dean's office no later than 3 working days before the date of the diploma exam

7. In accordance with the regulations of studies at PUT, the diploma examination should take place no later than 3 months from the date of submission of the thesis, and in the case of postponing the deadline for submitting the thesis, within a month of its submission.

Templates of diploma documents